Friday, January 22, 2010

1/22/2010 10:07 P.M.

Hey! I went to my friend's house today and 2 of my other friend were there also and it was sooo much FUN! :) I wish I could of sleptover :( everybody is allowed to sleepover except me and lily and I don't know why my mom and dad hate sleepovers so much!? I'm going to make sure that when I grow up, that I allow my children to sleepover and have a ton of fun with their friends and family. We are only allowed to sleepover usually just during parties and sometimes not even then! I mean, I go to bed at a good time, I have good friends who have good and nice families, and I do everything they ask me to; so why can't I have a sleepover, atleast once in awhile! :/ It is just not fair! And don't tell me that life isn't fair cause I already know that! Anyway, they are just starting to get on my nerves so whatever, I'm going to get my sleepover! I will show you and my family that I will get my sleepover! MUHAHAHAHA! haha jkjk :) But I will get my sleepover...most defintly will i get my sleepover :)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 20, 2010 3:22 P.M.

hi, um I didn't really have a good day at school and I didn't have a very good one yesterday either, so I might be in a sour mood while I'm talking to you. :( I really didn't like history or science class today and I kind of like lunch. I really like break, but that was pretty much the best part of my day. :( I wish I was danielle because she has like, a perfect life! Perfect boyfriend, perfect body, perfect hobby, perfect family, perfect grades, perfect popularity, perfect friends and let me name the stuff I have...I'm short, I dont have a very good body (if you know what I'm talking about), I'm not aloud to go to a lot of sleepover, I'm not that popular, I don't have a very good or cute boyfriend (thought that's gonna change soon), and I'm kind of good at volleyball... I guess you could say I'm being really negative and comparing myself to other people, so let me be postive and say the stuff I like about myself. :) I might be small but I'm a great digger in volleyball and I'm growing a little bit taller every day. :) I might not have the perfect body on top but I'm very skinny. I might not be best friends with the popular girls but I am very good friends with them. :) I'm aloud to go to some sleepovers but atleast I'm aloud to go to other people's houses. I'm kind of good at volleyball. :) hahahaha :p I think the one thing that is getting me down is that I'm shy...I'm going to pray to God and ask him if he can help me with my shyness and to become more outspoken and talkative and social and have more courage! :) I'm glad I let all of these words that were cooped up inside of me just fall/flow out! :) That might sound weird to you but it sounds perfect to me! :D I'm happy now and that's what I care about and God is glad that I'm happy! I know he is :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

1/17/2010 4:48 P.M.

hey! havent talked in a while, i just got back from a really fun sleepover! :) it was my friend's birthday so she had a big birthday/sleepover party and i had a ton of fun! we played this game called bigger and better and it is when you get a paperclip, you go into teams by the way, you go from one house to another and ask them if they have something bigger and better then this paperclip. our team lost because 2 teams brought people home lol and a dog, all we brought was a sunscreen for your car and this pillow that plays music. we watched some movies also like; year one, the proposal, and the knowing. The knowing was my favorite movie though, i think im going to rent that movie on netflix. a ton of people stayed up until 5:00 but i went to bed at 1:30, lol, i was really tired cause that morning i woke up at 6:30. :/ it sucks, but it was still fun! :) anyway i have to go now so bye, bye! :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

1/10/2010 9:33 A.M.

Hey! I haven't talked in a while! I'm sooo sad :'( we have one more day of Christmas Vacation left. Yesterday I went to a bbq with my friend Taylor, we kind of babysitted these 2 little boys and there friends while we were there. They are funny though so it was fun. :) One of the little boy's friends was a boy we know younger brother, it is kind of hard to explain since I'm not gonna say his name on this website because it is an online diary and I don't want anyone to find out about this sooo yeah. :) We saw 3 of my friends yesterday while we were playing basketball outside, they were riding bikes. There was really good food at the BBQ also! :D My sister, my Mom, and me went out to lunch yesterday with one of Lily's baton friends and her Mom. We went to the California Pizza Kitchen and me and the baton friend were planning this lunch for ever. lol :) Well I have to go because I'm watching a show so bye, bye! :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

1/5/2010 7:31 A.M.

Hey! Last night I went to the movies with 3 of my friends and I actually made a new friend! :) We went to go see "Did you hear about the Morgans?" and it was really funny! Like every scene something funny would come up, there were barely and scenes when nothing was funny! I very much recommend it! :D I'm going to my grandparent's house today and I'm going to spend a couple of days there, I'm excited cause my grandma got a wii for christmas and she has it hooked up for me and my sister to play when we get there. :) My old friend who moved to santa cruz after fifth grade was over, invited me and my sister to go up there for a few days, but I don't think we can because this is our last week of vacation and its such a long trip up there I dont think my mom would like to drive up there by herself. But it would still be cool if we could go up there! We usually go up there every year but during the summer, cause for me the water would be too cool in the winter, but my friend says it is pretty warm. Well I better go pack for the trip to my grandparent's house so bye, bye! :)

Monday, January 4, 2010

1/4/2010 8:04 A.M.

Hey! Yesterday was really fun, I went to Dutch Bros with 2 of my friends. I rode my bike to them because they were at park which was where we were going to meet and I went down 2 wrong streets, got lost, but I finally found them lol! :) I got a hot milky way and one of my friends got a smoothie, the other one had to go. Me and my remaining friend (lol) went to her house and hung out and goofed around, and played on her wii. We were going to go to the park because another one of my friends were there, but my friend was taking forever to get ready so when we were finally about to leave my friend called me and said that they were just about to leave the park, so we just stayed at her house and played on the wii and stuff until she had to leave for girl scouts, and then I left on my bike. Well I'm gonna go now cause I have to go the bathroom lol so bye, bye. :)

Saturday, January 2, 2010

1/2/2010 7:06 A.M.

Well happy new year! :) I spent New Year's Eve in a hotel room because we went 2 universal studios and the rose parade in pasadena. It was so much fun! It was surprisingly hot during the Rose Parade and the sun was like beating down on us. There was one really good marching band and they came from Japan or China (I'm not sure), and they were playing and dancing to the song Thriller! I don't know how the musicians were able to play and dance at the same time! It was amazing! One of my favorite floats was a float that had real waterfalls on it, it was a jungle theme, and they had these big gorillas, butterflies, and birds on was just really pretty and it made me want to jump on the float and live there or something. :) Another one of my favorite floats is where they had these dogs and they were sledding down a hill on the float! and to get them back up to the top they had these little doggy houses and the doggy houses are on a line which is pulled at the top by some helpers, and they pull the line until the doggy houses are at the top and then the dogs get out and start sledding again. It was so cute! :) Universal Studios was fun also! One of my favorite rides was the Simpson ride and it was animated so you weren't on a real roller coaster it just seemed like you were, and they showed us a show of the Simpsons that went along with the ride. It was really neat and cool. They also had these special effect rooms where they showed you how special effects worked, one was really serious and it was about fire, and the other one wasn't serious and it was really fun and it was about just different stuff that was cool and interesting to learn. Well that's all I wanted to say so I will talk to you later. Bye bye.